About Cherlapally Industrial Estate

The entire Estate comprises of more than 800 Large, Medium and small Scale enterprises employing more than 40000 people.
Being rich and diverse mix of Industries Manufacturing Products / Providing Services in the areas and the Clean and green environs of the Estate are synonymous with the sincerity and social commitment of the Members of Association.
Spanning over 1200 Acre ( 486 Hectare ) Land
Good infrastructure (ie) Roads, Water, Lighting…etc
Dustbin free Industrial Estate. Garbage collected from door
ESI ( Employee’s State Insurance ) dispensary to take care of employee & their dependent family’s health.
With identification Boards in the main Roads for easy identification of units.
Street Lights : with good street lighting in entire Estate.
Beautification : With Road side lawns and Trees.
CI Activities

- Above all CIA helps Sharing important information with fellow industries.
- Representation to Government / Statutory Bodies on issues related to our Estate.
Taking up common amenity problems with CNMIASS ( local Municipal body for our Industrial estate ) - Conducting Seminars / Exhibitions with regard to new Technologies, Govt. schemes , important events related to Industries etc.,
- Interaction meetings with members from time to time to know the feedback …etc